
Ethics & Issues 2-3

Unfortunately, cyber bullying a now an issue we have to deal with.  Since this mostly effects children, schools are forced to get involved.  There should be punishments set up, same as if the bullying was taking place on school grounds.  The punishments should be appropriate, making it clear that any bullying will not be tolerated.  If only it was as simple as that. A lot of times, kids may feel embarrassed or alone, making them reluctant to tell a parent or school authority.  In this case, students should be taught how to handle situations.  Reporting posts and blocking the bully on social media can be very effective. I still feel like there is only so much schools can do, and it is ultimately the parents job.  Parents should always know what is going on with their child's life.  A child should feel comfortable having an honest conversation with a parent.  While I feel like a parent going through their child's text messages is violating,...
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